Dr Jason Hawrelak
Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist
Gastrointestinal Consultant
The Hawrelak Gut and Microbiome Clinic - Founder and Principal Practitioner
Considered one of the leading experts in the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions with natural medicines, Jason’s passion for gastrointestinal health, the gastrointestinal microbiota (the inner ecosystem), and probiotics was ignited during the final year of his naturopathic training. Subsequently, Jason did his Honours (First Class) and PhD degrees in the areas of the gastrointestinal microbiota, irritable bowel syndrome, and the clinical applications of pre- and probiotics. He has written extensively in Australian

and International textbooks and journals on these topics - a list of some of Jason’s publications is below, with links to some of the articles.
Also below are links to some of Dr Hawrelaks' online courses and podcast interviews.
Dr Hawrelak is a naturopath, herbalist, and nutritionist with nearly 20 years of clinical experience. He regularly consults with patients from all over Australia and overseas who come to him for his expertise, extensive background knowledge, and experience in treating gastrointestinal conditions. It is for these same reasons that he regularly provides mentoring to other healthcare practitioners. Jason believes in the importance of ‘food as medicine’ and an individualised approach to care - using a range of skills and healing modalities, including dietary guidance, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, and lifestyle counselling to help patients achieve their health goals.
Jason has taught health professionals (naturopaths, nutritionists, dieticians, chiropractors, pharmacists, and medical doctors) at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level for the past 19 years. He currently coordinates and teaches the Evidence-based Complementary Medicine Program in the School of Medicine at the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia) and is the Gastrointestinal Imbalances lecturer in the Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine program at the University of Western States (Portland, Oregon). In 2015, Jason completed the Institute for Functional Medicine’s Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice course in London. He regularly presents to other health professionals on managing gastrointestinal conditions with natural medicines at National and International conferences.
Jason was appointed as the Tasmanian representative to the inaugural board of the Australian Register of Naturopaths and Herbalists and is on the Medical Nutrition Council of the American Society for Nutrition. He is also head of research at ProbioticAdvisor.com. In July 2015, Jason was awarded a Fellowship from the American College of Nutrition for his significant contributions to the teaching and practice of nutrition in Australia and North America and in March 2017, was awarded a Fellowship from the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia for his contributions to the field of herbal medicine in Australia.
When not seeing patients, lecturing, or poring over medical journals, Jason enjoys bush-walking, cycling, organic gardening, travel, cooking and being with his family.
Areas of Expertise
Acute gastrointestinal conditions
Viral and bacterial infections
Fungal and protozoal infections (parasites)
Prevention and treatment of traveller’s diarrhoea
Chronic gastrointestinal conditions
Irritable bowel syndrome
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Microbiome restoration
Functional dyspepsia
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease)
Gluten-related disorders (coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity)
Peptic ulcer disease (Helicobacter pylori)
Gastrooesophageal reflux (heartburn)
Intestinal permeability (leaky gut)
Food intolerances
Mental Health
the Gut-Brain-Microbiota Axis
Women’s Health
Optimising the gastrointestinal microbiota during pregnancy
Recurrent Urinary tract infections
Bacterial vaginosis
Dr Hawrelak's Online Courses
Depression, Anxiety and the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiota
Meet your Microbiome 4-Week Course
Advanced Probiotic Prescribing
The Vaginal Microbiome in Health and Disease
Recent Academic Presentations:
Using Herbal Medicines to Modify the Microbiota. 11th International Conference on Herbal and Naturopathic Medicine. Melbourne, VIC. Mar 29, 2019.
Gastrointestinal Microbiota Assessment – Dissecting Pathology Results. Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Gut Health module. Hobart, TAS. Mar. 4, 2019.
Prebiotics, Probiotics and Microbiota-Nourishing Foods - the Foundations of Treatment. Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Gut Health module. Hobart, TAS. Mar. 3, 2019.
Depression and the GIT Microbiota. Australian Psychological Society. Webinar. Feb 19, 2019.
Using Herbal Medicines to Modify the Microbiota. Botanica 2018. Brighton (UK). Sept 1, 2018.
Continuing Professional Education: What’s ethics got to do with it? Australian Naturopathic Summit. Lennox Head, NSW. Aug. 26, 2018.
A Case of Blastocystis Infection: Or is it? Australian Naturopathic Summit. Lennox Head, NSW. Aug. 25. 2018
How to Diversify a Dwindling Microbiome. Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. Webinar. Jun 4, 2018.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Diagnosis and Treatment. Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia South Australian Seminar. Adelaide, SA. May 20, 2018.
The Vaginal Microbiome – the Vital Roles of this Under-Appreciated Ecosystem. MINDD International Forum. Sydney, NSW. May 11-13, 2018.
Stool Analysis Masterclass and Workshop. Probiotic Advisor Live Event. Perth, WA. Mar 11, 2018.
The Role of the GIT Microbiota in Depression. Australian Traditional Medicine Society. Webinar. Feb 27, 2018.
Stool Analysis Masterclass and Workshop. Probiotic Advisor Live Event. Hobart, TAS. Nov 26, 2017.
Depression and the GIT Microbiota. Australian Traditional Medicine Society. Gut-Brain Connection Seminar. Sydney, NSW. Nov 19, 2017.
Depression and the GIT Microbiota. Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference. Sydney, NSW. Sept 17, 2017.
Stool Analysis Masterclass and Workshop. Probiotic Advisor Live Event. Melbourne, VIC. Aug 20, 2017.
Faecal Testing. Functional Nutrition Academy - Nutrition Summit. Brisbane, QLD. July 30, 2017.
Modifying the Microbiota in Metabolic Disease: An Under-utilised Clinical Approach. 10th International Conference on Herbal Medicine. Brisbane, QLD. March 18, 2017.
Prebiotics, Probiotics, the Microbiome and Depression. Health Masters Live Natural Depression Masterclass. March, 2017.
The Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiota in Metabolic Disease. Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference. Melbourne, VIC. Nov 5, 2016.
Probiotics and Prebiotics in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Management. Australian SIBO Summit. Melbourne, VIC & Sydney NSW. Oct 8-10, 2016.
The Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiota in Metabolic Disease. Australasian Integrative Medical Association Conference. Sydney, NSW. Sept 3, 2016.
Stool and Fecal Microbial Analysis Masterclass. Practitioner Workshop. Byron Bay, NSW. Aug 28, 2016.
The Important Role of the Community Apothecary in Providing Acute Care. Australian Naturopathic Summit. Kingscliff, NSW. Aug 28. 2016.
Creating, Sustaining and Restoring a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract Ecosystem. 9th International Conference on Herbal Medicine (Sydney, March 2015).
Strategies to Protect and Restore a Healthy Gastrointestinal Microbiota. Australasian Integrative Medical Association (AIMA) Integrative Medicine Conference (Melbourne, July 2015). A recorded video of the lecture is available here.
Does Partially-Hydrolysed Guar Gum have a Role to Play in the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review. 8th Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Foods for Microbiota and Health Conference (Rome, Italy, Sept 2015).
Nourishing and Protecting the Baby Biota. Building Better Babies online seminar series (Dec. 2014).
Phytotherapy in the Treatment of Dysbiosis of the Small and Large Bowel. The 2014 International Congress on Natural Medicine. (Sydney, June 2014).
Probiotics: sorting the strain from the chaff. 8th International Conference on Herbal Medicine (Melbourne, April 2013).
Natural medicines to prevent and treat traveller’s diarrhoea. 8th International Conference on Herbal Medicine (Melbourne, April 2013).
New Frontiers in Functional Medicine
Love & Guts 2 - Vaginal Health
SIBO Doctor 1 - Prebiotics and Probiotics in SIBO Treatment
SIBO Doctor 2 - Microbiome Restoration
Online Summits Dr Hawrelak has been Interviewed on:
Healthy Gut Experts Summit 1.0
Some of Dr Hawrelak’s Publications:
Hawrelak JA. Diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety. In: Sarris J, Wardle J (eds). Clinical Naturopathy: In Practice. Elsevier, 2017: 2-5-9.
Hawrelak JA. Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease and Functional Constipation. In: Sarris J, Wardle J (eds). Clinical Naturopathy: In Practice. Elsevier, 2017: 6-9.
Hawrelak JA. Prebiotics. In: Braun L, Cohen M (eds). Essential Herbs and Natural Supplements. Elsevier, 2017: 697-714.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics. In: Braun L, Cohen M (eds). Essential Herbs and Natural Supplements. Elsevier, 2017: 715-755.
Hawrelak JA, Whitten DL. Does partially hydrolysed guar gum have a role to play in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 2016;50(suppl 2):S200.
Walton R, Whitten DL, Hawrelak JA. The efficacy of Hibiscus sabdariffa (rosella) in essential hypertension: A systematic review of clinical trials. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine. 2016;28(2)48-51.
Hawrelak JA. Prebiotics. In: Braun L, Cohen M (eds). Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th ed. Elsevier, 2015: 760-770.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics. In: Braun L, Cohen M (eds). Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th ed. Elsevier, 2015: 771-795.
Hawrelak JA. Psyllium. In: Braun L, Cohen M (eds). Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th ed. Elsevier. Elsevier, 2015: 796-801.
Hawrelak JA. Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease. In: Wardle J, Sarris J (eds). Clinical Naturopathy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice, 2nd ed. Elsevier, 2014:101-117.
Hawrelak JA. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In: Wardle J, Sarris J (eds). Clinical Naturopathy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice, 2nd ed. Elsevier, 2014:73-100.
Hawrelak JA. Prebiotics, Synbiotics and Colonic Foods. In: Murray M, Pizzorno J (eds). Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2013:966-978.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics. In: Murray M, Pizzorno J (eds). Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2013:979-994.
Dwyer A, Whitten DL, Hawrelak JA. Herbal medicines, other than St John’s wort, in the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression: A systematic review. Alternative Medicine Review. 2011;16:40-49.
Hawrelak JA, Myers SP. The effects of two naturopathic formulations on irritable bowel syndrome symptoms: a pilot study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2010;10:1065-1071.
Hawrelak JA, Cattley T, Myers SP. Essential oils in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis: a preliminary in vitro study. Alternative Medicine Review. 2009;14:380-384.
Jenkins C, Evans S, Hawrelak JA, Wohlmuth H. Herbal medicines prepared by traditional and contemporary methods – a comparative study. Planta Medica. 2009;75:992.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. Journal of Complementary Medicine. 2007;6:28-35.
Whitten DL, Myers SP, Hawrelak JA, Wohlmuth H. The effect of St John’s wort extracts on CYP3A: a systematic review of prospective clinical trials. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2006;62:512-526.
Hawrelak JA, Whitten DL, Myers SP. Is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG effective in preventing the onset of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea: a systematic review. Digestion. 2005; 72:51-56.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics and functional foods for gastrointestinal disorders. Journal of Complementary Medicine. 2005;4:42-50.
Hawrelak JA, Myers SP. Do medicinal herbs negatively impact the human gastrointestinal tract microflora: a preliminary in vitro study. Conference Proceedings from the 5th International Conference on Phytotherapeutics 2004.
Hawrelak JA, Myers SP. Herbal Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease. In: Cohen M (ed). Holistic Solutions for Sustainable Healthcare. Melbourne, Australian Integrative Medical Association 2004: 211-242.
Hawrelak JA, Myers SP. The causes of intestinal dysbiosis: A review of the literature. Alternative Medicine Review. 2004; 9(2):180-197.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics: Choosing the right one for your needs. Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. 2003;9(2):67-76.
Hawrelak JA. Giardia: Pathophysiology and Management. Alternative Medicine Review. 2003;8(2):129-142.
Hawrelak JA. Medicinal plant monograph: Guava (Psidium guajava). Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. 2003;9(1):25-30.
Hawrelak JA. Prebiotics: What are they and how safe? Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. 2002;8(4):151-156.
Hawrelak JA. Probiotics: Are supplements really better than yoghurt? Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. 2002;8(1):11-23.
Myers S, Hawrelak JA. Intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome. In: Ngu MJ (ed). Proceedings of the Integrative Medicine Conference and Exhibition. Melbourne, Australian Integrative Medical Association. 2001:53-56.
Myers S, Hawrelak JA. Evidence-based complementary medicine in gastroenterology. Proceedings of the National Conference of the Gastroenterological Nurses Society of Australia. 2000:14.