Goulds Natural Medicine Internship in Naturopathy
A unique opportunity to gain a broad range of experiences in a naturopathic apothecary that is growing and manufacturing a large proportion of their herbal medicines

Goulds Natural Medicine offers a six month clinical internship providing the opportunity for a recent graduate to gain both clinical experience in a busy natural medicine apothecary and a practical grounding in quality herbal medicine manufacture - from garden to dispensary.
About Goulds Natural Medicine
Goulds Natural Medicine, formerly Goulds Pharmacy, was established in central Hobart in 1881. Since its inception, Goulds has manufactured and dispensed natural medicines - making it one of the oldest continuously operating apothecaries in Australia. Today Goulds is a busy apothecary and clinic where members of the public can access high quality information and healthcare from qualified naturopaths.
Goulds aims to be a part of the continuity of herbal medicine traditions through developing and extending our understanding of the herbs we use, by growing, manufacturing and dispensing our own high quality herbal medicines. We experience a sense of connectedness by being intimately involved with all aspects of this process.
Goulds Natural Medicine is owned by four Naturopaths, Daniel Robson BNat, Dawn Whitten BNat (Hons) IBCLC, Jason Hawrelak PhD, BNat (Hons), Belinda Robson BNat, MHlthSc(DD), and organic herb farmer Greg Whitten (with over 30 years experience growing herbs). The running of Goulds is also supported by a team of experienced Naturopaths, dispensary assistants, administrative staff and coordinators, receptionists and farm workers. Goulds has regular case discussions and a great capacity for collegial learning.
Structure of the internship
Contact time is 5 to 6 days per fortnight:
Four days per fortnight in the apothecary - observing, case studies and compounding
Up to two days per fortnight on the herb farm - involved with herb farming, herbal medicine manufacturing and other herb projects
Non-contact hours equivalent to eight hours per week
Weekly supportive learning tasks
Preparation and delivery of a peer presentation on an agreed topic
Apothecary time
Goulds Natural Medicine Apothecary is a busy over the counter (OTC) environment that exposes naturopaths to a wide variety of clinical situations. Interns will have the opportunity to observe and prescribe natural medicines in this OTC environment with the support and supervision from a team of qualified Naturopaths. This OTC environment offers an opportunity to treat many different acute conditions, some chronic conditions and develop the ability to effectively triage and refer. Interns will also spend time engaged in the background packaging, manufacturing and stock management of medicinal herbs and other therapeutics as well as other practical aspects of the behind the scenes running of this busy apothecary.
Garden time
Over eighty different species of medicinal herbs are grown at Goulds Herb Farm. Of these, over fifty are cultivated in sufficient volumes to supply Goulds - either for the dried herb dispensary or as raw materials for the manufacture of premium quality tinctures. During their time on the farm, interns will have the opportunity to learn about the production of premium quality dried herbs and fresh plant material.
Some instruction will be given by Greg Whitten, author of Herbal Harvest, and an organic/biodynamic herb farmer of over 30 years. Interns will have the opportunity to learn cultivation techniques, weed control, optimal harvest-time, harvest techniques, drying and processing techniques, with a focus on the production of premium quality herbs.
Interns will learn about the production of high quality herbal medicines including: dried plant tinctures by percolation and maceration, fresh plant tinctures, fresh-plant “boosted” tinctures and medicinal creams. This will include assessment of starting material (quality control and identification), manufacturing techniques using both dry and fresh plant material, and record keeping.
Supportive learning tasks
These will be essential weekly tasks that provide foundational learning for the clinical component of the internship. This includes activities such as set readings, case studies and some lectures. Mentoring sessions will build on the material provided.
Peer presentation
Interns will be required to research an area and present at a Goulds at a clinic or continued professional education meeting.
Minimum 4-year Bachelor degree in naturopathy/natural medicine
Completion of the below Continuing Professional Education (CPE) content from Health Master’s Live:
Gastrointestinal Masterclass ONE - webinars one, two, three, four and five (https://www.healthmasterslive.com/product/the-natural-gastrointestinal-masterclass-course/)
Gastrointestinal Masterclass TWO - webinars one, two, five and nine (https://www.healthmasterslive.com/product/the-natural-gastrointestinal-masterclass-two/)
Either live in Hobart, or be willing to relocate to Hobart for the duration of the internship
Financial considerations
​Running the internship is an additional expense for Goulds. This is a learning opportunity, not a paid position. Goulds will provide a small allowance ($300 per week) to contribute towards provide for basic living expenses so the intern can afford to take this time away from paid work to engage with the internship program.
Accommodation is not provided by Goulds.
Towards the end of the internship there may be the possibility of occasional casual paid work shifts as garden hand, dispensary assistant and/or naturopath at Goulds. This is not guaranteed.
Goulds is located in central Hobart and easily accessed by public transport. The farm is 25 minutes driving distance from Hobart. Access to a motor vehicle is advantageous (but not strictly essential) as there is no public transport available to the farm.
Future considerations
Engaging in the internship program at Goulds can be an advantage with regards to future employment opportunities in the apothecary, and private practice opportunities in the Goulds Clinic.
How to apply for the internship
At this stage we are unable to anticipate when our next intake for the Goulds Natural Medicine Internship will be. Please check our Positions Vacant page regularly for further information, or email our reception team at info@gouldsnaturalmedicine.com.au and request that you be placed on our Internship contact list; we will then get in touch with you when we are next recruiting for this opportunity.